Joyful  Movement  Medicine 

Love living in your body!


Yoga and Flamenco dance for resilient strength, mobility, joy and empowerment        

Online Flamenco and Yoga training programs for all levels

You won't only learn dance moves, but also how to become part of the music and express your full self through the art of Flamenco    

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The Yoga of Flamenco

  Rewire the mind and body for radiant fitness, vitality and joy from the inside out. 



FlamencoFlow Program

Flamenco is a powerful and transformational art form that develops creativity, musicality, and personal and physical power. The program introduces mind and body practices with skill building in Flamenco dance to learn how to fluently speak the language of Flamenco. Gain the tools to move beyond choreography and cultivate a state of creative flow and freedom with your body and mind. Program includes online classes in Yoga, Flamenco, mindfulness and Flamenco theory as well as a supportive community of monthly gatherings, personal coaching and discounts on shows and workshops. Open to all levels of experience as a standalone program or as a supplement to in person classes.

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Why Yoga with Flamenco?

Because Flamenco builds strength and resilience as we go, so too does it challenge us to develop the ability to trust ourselves, to face our fears, and to become a spiritual warrior ready to bring our full selves to the table. This process is not easy, especially when we may have learned to be hard on ourselves in our pursuits and many of us may have a fear of doing it wrong, or looking silly in front of others. Additionally, as we progress in our studies we develop strength and endurance befitting an athlete and need to care for our bodies accordingly, for injury prevention and longevity. 

The physical and mental/emotional skills we develop with Yoga are the perfect complement for befriending our bodies and minds as we progress with Flamenco. This leads to increased body awareness, balance and muscular support/mobility, while bringing a balance of drive, perseverence, playfulness and enjoyment to the process.

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Meet Amelia

Hello! I am a RYT-500, E-RYT 1000 Yoga teacher and performing artist with over 25 years experience as a professional in the field of somatic arts, including Yoga, Flamenco and Belly dance.  I am a lover of movement, an anatomy and philosophy nerd, and a professional Flamenco dancer and teacher.

I believe that our bodies hold an innate capacity and wisdom for healing, if we can but learn how to truly listen and communicate.  The art of Flamenco is for me both a personal practice, a creative outlet, and one of the great loves of my life that continues to challenge, delight and inspire me every day. I am passionate about incorporating somatics and mindfulness techniques into my work with Yoga and Flamenco, so that we can get out of our own way and learn in a way that is fearless and fun. I am blessed to guide others in the sacred work of tending and befriending their bodies with dance and Yoga for a more fulfilled and embodied life.

Curious? Contact me at  [email protected] to schedule a free 15 min phone consultation and discuss your goals.

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